This had to be one of the most visually appealing and fun gigs I've ever been to! The Polyphonic Spree, this time touring with 17 members, are always amazing live (how can you now be with that many musicians?) but this was just plain exceptional! Everyone was costumed up with indian headdresses, bling and flashing slap bands - SLAP BANDS! And The Polyphonic Spree played for over 2 hours (note, though, their intro went for about 15 minutes... :P). And there were BALLOONS! YAY!
And I cannot recommend The New Orleans Bingo Show highly enough! They opened the night and put on SUCH an entertaining show. Pretty cool sound, too.

You can read all about it in my review on fasterlouder by heading here.
I've got some videos, too. The first is their opening track, minus the lengthy, lengthy introduction behind the curtain.
The second is Two Thousand Places:
And lastly, here's a bit of the New Orleans Bingo Show:
Oh, and nothing beats rockin' out on the cello!