And speaking of Golden Plains, what about a super late recap...

The Drones were the standout band for me at the festival this year - their great live show continues to impress me every time I see them. Gareth Liddiard is a gun.

You Am I were good the night before but the losers down the front (who continued to keep trying to mosh even though it clearly wasn't gonna happen) kind of killed them. People get frustrated with Tim Rogers for being arrogant - but it's clearly an act for the most part. Quite frankly, he can call himself the King of England for all I care - his songs are still awesome.

Bridezilla and Dan Kelly were my other favourites. Black Mountain were a surprise hit for me, too. Of Montreal should have been awesome, but they were just way to random to actually be engaging.
Here's Holiday from Bridezilla doing her thing:

And here are the Ukeladies doing their mobile phone duet (clever):

And Black Mountain:

And finally, who could forget this fella...

Not freaky in the slightest...

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